Tutor Chetan
Janapriya Secondary School Pokhara
Job Vacancy Announced for Computer Teacher
Janapriya Secondary School, Simalchaur, Pokhara-8 has to fill the vacancies as per the details; Applications are invited from interested Nepali citizens who have reached the qualification.
Computer Teacher
- Number: 1 (One)
- Classes to be taught: Classes 8-10
- Eligibility: BCA or equivalent
- Age: Completed 18 years and not exceeding 40 years
- Types of Exams: Written, Class Observations, and Interviews
- Examination Fee: Rs. 1,000 (one thousand rupees only)
- Salary: As per the decision of the school management committee
Documents required:
- Copies of educational qualification certificates
- Copy of Nepali citizenship,
- Copies of the experience
- Last date to apply: 2077-11-24 till 4 o'clock
- Exam date: 2077-11-25 at 10 am
Contact Details:
Janapriya Secondary School (Civil Engineering)
Simalchaur, Pokhara-8
Phone: 061-520464, 061-533726
Source: Collegenp